Thursdays @ St. Be!

You are welcome to join our wonderful community gardeners to help service the garden beds and green spaces on site at St. Be’s from 8am-11am on Thursdays. They are certified master gardeners of our partner organization, UC Master Gardener Program, and are more than happy to share in conversation, composting, planting, watering and other tasks with you!

Volunteer with us in free produce distribution to our neighbors in NELA. Package the fruit and veggies with us from 8:30am-11am and help us to distribute the boxes from 11am-12pm. You’ll enjoy the kindest people volunteering alongside you!

Bilingual Bible Study and Dinner is every Thursday at 6:30PM (except on the fourth Thursday of each month, we host a potluck and free workshop). Come converse with our faith community over a warm meal and the word of God. If you would like to bring food or a beverage to share to the dinner, please register your item(s) using the link here.

James Edwards-Acton